Ho’oponopono : Zero state forever meditation…

Do not seek God. Do not call this energy by the name men have given to IT. It is not reality.
On the contrary, by words you will lose the truth, in the distance between a given name
and your consciousness.
This name and all others create an expectation of something which is not what it is. On the contrary.
what you should go through now is the end of hope, of all hopes. Alpha meeting Omega.
No face, no attributes.Only Creator Principle without creation. All this, around you, emanated from a spirit as your world emanates from yours, but it is not what you say about it, it is not you either.Do not get lost in translation.
Let total silence absorb you. Dive into it, melt into it, with complete confidence.
It is a bottomless pit. Let go all words, all languages, all ideas behind your dreams
and your nightmares.
Simply watch, watch the darkness of this silence inhabited by the breath that comes and goes.
Observe this desert without sand nor dunes.Touch nothing,
look for nothing, do not try to control anything.It is useless, just give up.
Forget your shape, your belief in being human, stone, or animal ;
forget earth, and heaven. Erase verse,
and reverse.
Forget this universe, where in truth you have never been.
Sink without fear into this world of pure present, where neither gravity
nor form exist.
Feel all the words slipping away. All languages disappearing
Let breath come and go, carrying away all the thoughts you called “me”,”my life, “my being””,
Don’t say “I” or “me” any more. You don’t even belong to yourself. You’ve never belonged to yourself
but in a dream.
Nothing is yours. realise without even realising it that you are simply this Allness and Nothingness
you have always been.