But who can my father be?
As we saw in the previous entry, if the Creator can look at his creation without squinting, it’s because there’s only one landscape in front of him…

The sudden fall of the Creator.
If he looks down at his pack of cigars and reads on the wrapper “Tobacco Kills”, he will inevitably wonder who could have written that without him noticing…
It won’t be long before he understands that, since he’s alone on the balcony, nobody else could have spoilt his fun but himself. He wonders: where did this idea come from? Who came up with this tasteless farce?
I had created a beautiful label in praise of the pleasures of smoking, but what could have caused me, without realizing it, to come up with the idea that you could die, and while doing something you enjoy?
And since God knows that he is immortal, you can see that this poses a serious problem! This idea of mortality? Where on earth did it come from?
A bedtime story.
I think you can understand the perplexity of the Creator… He took a beautiful piece of virgin nothingness and drew a paradisiacal world on it, and now a simple detail has disturbed his Sunday contemplation. In this “universal good”, a simple idea has emerged without his noticing it, an idea capable of ruining everything. If he, the Creator, thought that his days were numbered, to whom could the men he had just created address their prayers to solve their problems?
As you can see, going back to the source means you can vacuum up the corners. So, what have you got? Have you found the culprit or culprits? Since the Creator is said to be “omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient”, an act with such far-reaching consequences could not have escaped his notice…
It’s clear that this story of “tobacco that kills” is a tall tale. As the Creator is endowed with superpowers by virtue of his status, he is able to grasp the whole span of time at a glance, and he knows that mankind has not always believed this nonsense about the carcinogenic effects of nicotine… The best proof of this is that generations of smokers have succeeded one another to enable us suddenly to discover a new danger…
You too have no doubt realized that all this is just a bunch of ideas in your head. I’m not saying that tobacco doesn’t kill, I’m just suggesting that we go back a little further in the logical chain of divine thought. Who could have put the idea in people’s heads that death is the inevitable outcome of life?
Have you noticed that all our other fears stem from this simple idea on a packet of tobacco? All our anxieties, all our problems stem from it… We no longer listen to our inner impulses because of it, we resist life for fear that it will tip us over the edge into that death we’ve fantasized about since the dawn of time…
Ask yourself the question: what if death was an illusion, and what if human beings were immortal because of their DNA?
Because one of two things is true: either you believe in the divinity of the Creator and his obvious immortality, or you don’t. But it’s not possible to be sure. But it’s not possible to have it both ways by preaching “Eternal Father” in the same breath, while at the same time asserting that “Men are poor mortals”…
In my opinion, there is a flagrant inconsistency here, because either there has been adultery, in which case we need to do a genetic test quickly to find out who is the source of the paternity… or there is someone who wants us to take the bladders for the lanterns…
A plea for family harmony
I’m not trying to spin messianic metaphors. You see, the simple fact of putting the father back in his place, in an harmonious family for which he assumes responsibility, allows us to dismantle the plot…
The fact that God can smoke a cigar on a balcony exposes him to the risk of excommunication, and yet the best ‘Dad’ we could ever dream of having is a being like that, capable of indulging in the delights of a cigar without asking philosophical questions about mortality…
You’re going to tell me that all this is a long way from the Law of Attraction and its benefits. Well, since we’ve regained a little intimacy with God the Father, let’s take this opportunity to ask him what he thinks.
Imagine his answer. In fact, it’s a good thing, he’s patient, because his children have been asking him this same question for a while now, in every language and in every tone. He has put on all sorts of outfits to answer them, he has tried all sorts of emotions to get the message across: threats, anger, gentleness… But nothing has worked… Rest assured, this Father of the Family is not the type to throw in his apron and slam the door… He continues to repeat this idea which seems to have trouble getting across, that creation is ONE and that it is complete, that even before you have finished asking you have already been answered…
A truth that is both simple
but difficult to believe
Our minds continue to find it hard to take the plunge, so simple is the Truth that it is so foreign to our human logic… Yes, cigars kill, if you like… and this is an opportunity to sum up a lesson close to silence.
Prayer is not something that we add to life, a request for something that we seek to attract to ourselves. That’s why we can say that even before we open our mouths, we are already answered…
It’s because a prayer doesn’t attract, it simply acknowledges what is already there and has always been there. It’s a way out of the daydream we call the “Illusion of Absence”, it’s what quantum physics calls an “Energy Leap”.
It’s simply the passage from a plane of unreality to a plane of reality that has always been behind the veil of belief in the possibility of duality… This leap is instantaneous.
All you must do is turn round and look at the forgotten face of the One who can never deny his descendants, and throw yourself into his arms:
“Abba, Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”… This encounter will have the moving taste of a family re-union…