Crash course in letting go

Do you make the sun rise in the morning? In the evening, do you turn it off? Do you make the planets move, the rivers run, the wind blow?
Do you make the breath go in and out, the heart beat, the blood flow, colds go away, and so on?…
The answer is no. You don’t do anything.
The Universe works on its own and that’s fine…
But your attitude, like for too many humans, is to wish to do only as it pleases you. You want to impose your own world, your own ideas about happiness…
The universe tends towards harmony
And that’s where things go wrong…
You want this, you believe that, it’s always ABOUT “me, me, me…my, my, my…”
There is no “me” anywhere and nothing is mine…Want it or not you will have to let go of everything some day, that’s the sole evidence.
You have to understand that the universe naturally tends towards harmony, towards peace, towards balance on it’s own… Otherwise we wouldn’t be here, everything would have collapsed long time ago…
It works perfectly the way it is ruled, you have to leave it alone…
When you want this or that, you get attached to things, you want to impose your own version of life… So? what should we do? How do we participate in the game of life?
Life sends 2 things, inspirations and circumstances…The important thing is not “this” or “that” or “God” or the “devil”… What is important is this empty space called “you”. In fact, responsibility belongs to this “you” alone “on behalf of the creative power behind the whole.
We feel that we are but in fact, it’s Life that animates all our functions and the only choice we have is to let go. Yes, I know that I AM but that’s all I can know. For my everyday choices I have to listen to life through what my heart” is telling me…
It’s not submission, it’s listening and obedience.
Through my heart (inspiration) life sends me signs and messages, advises me, tells me “You have my strength, my talent, you carry my dreams and you must make them matter…”. It why life presents us a job to do, a place to live and circumstances to build on…We should take a step back from our life and always listen before choosing.
Unnecessary questions are poisoning you.
Life gives us tasks to do where we are… But we often keep questioning, moving around, putting our desires in the balance instead of just doing what is in front of us : cleaning dishes or working on our computer or listening to music or to somebody talking to you in front of us.
And if we look closely, if we let your dreams ripen without touching them, life presents us with everything we need, naturally ; the way the sun or the moon appear. This is what is called “synchronicity”. We too often say to ourselves “Ah, maybe happiness is over there, maybe it’s in that other solution, in that life out there ; in another life, with another person, in another reality…”. But who decides where happiness lies? That’s up to life itself…What does it always tell us? : “Don’t get attached to YOUR solutions.”
When it hurts, take your hand away. It’s called the “hot stove principle”. When it’s hot, it hurts, that’s why I withdraw my hand… It’s not someone else who have to withdraw his hand, it’s only you. When it hurts even more, it’s because you haven’t yet withdrawn it.
Let it go. Let the universe take care of us. When you realise that you go to others because you think you need them, do not get attached. Let go.You should get rid of all burdens.
Let the universe work for you. Stop fidgeting and shaking your mind all over the place. Do your daily work, as best you can, simply, in the details. Have confidence in Life… Don’t impose anything on it. Just tell it what you want and know that it will inevitably send you what’s right for you…
Life never has a problem.
You don’t have to say “I want this or that”, just think “I want to be loved and respected, I don’t want to live the life of my parents or my ancestors, I wasn’t born for that. I’m an unique soul, show me the way.”
Think: “I know I have talent, I know I’m strong, I know I came here to make dreams come true, because dreams are the dreams of life through me. And then life is going to help me, I know it.”
Don’t put faces, names or circumstances on your dreams. Let this free energy attract perfectly what matches your vibration.Detach yourself from appearances. Let life take its course. If it has another idea than yours, let it manifest it… It’s certainly better for you, you’ll verify it later.
It’s never life that has a problem, it’s us, simply because we always tend to impose our will on it. …We don’t have to fight with it, we should collaborate with it. Life is only able to creates with us. Life needs us to be able to express something only us can do…Life is about co-creation and channelling.
Let’s do our best to accomplish what we have to do every day in the here and now, remembering that “working is praying”.
Let’s do it at the best of our ability, focusing on what is just in front of us. We must forget every other thought, live moment by moment, let people and planets move without trying to manipulate anything…All is OK…always. When we let it be as it IS, everything is perfect…
Let do our part and let life be…