Dear Anne, you are right somehow, yes we attract people and events matching our energy but this should be completed because your writing could allow a dangerous confusion .
If I think that because I put out a bad energy I get a bad energy in return? If I think so I could even go deeper in negativity...It could entertain a vicious circle...or make us break the circle of unity with the universe.
I consider we need a nuance here...
The basis of life is pleasure, happiness and well-being...Being in the flow is pure bliss...That's how life IS (our should be)...
All creation from plants to humans is guided by this universal law : vegetables tend to escape from shadow in quest of more light, animals look for survival , humans are the only steciie who have added intellectually a value to pain and suffering : "I am bad so I have to suffer" is the religious programmation called "sin". Sin only mean error and no God is there to judge about ou behavior...
As free consciousness, the world is just a reflexion of our navigational decisions. We see in the mirror the ling reflexion of our conscious and unconscious ideas...It's a feedback saying to us :" if you feel in hell, this is what you create for yourself. Do you really want it?" Which means : "Do you really want lo leave your hand on the hot stove even if the pain is unbearable?" I
f I say no, I must change not the situation which is just a reflexion bu the ideas holdiing me back in an unpleasant situation.
To change my world I must change my ideas about the world. It's what is called "FAITH"...There is no world outside, only the exact projection of the way I imagine MY world...
If I find myself in panic during a fire I have chances to die, but if I keep my mind focused and quiet, ways to escape will open.
Thanks for your contribution.
Love & Harmony.