Ho’oponopono and Christianity: instructions for Consciousness.
Self-identity through Ho’oponopono is just one way of accessing what can be called “Divine Consciousness” or “Self-Consciousness”. This corresponds to what the Hawaiians call being PONO, a state that enables us to experience Aloha. Christianity, for its part, describes it as the return to “the Father’s house”, while Buddhism sees it as “the state of Buddha”…
All spiritual approaches are ‘reminders’ designed to dispel the clouds that obscure the light of our consciousness. The purity of spirit or ‘virginity’ that is sought corresponds to the Ho’oponopono “zero state”. It is the total absence of mental programming, the total erasing of the ego.
Because in fact, the ego is void. It’s just a question of seeing that it’s just the shadow of our identification with millennia of accumulated beliefs. What do we discover when we’ve let this balloon deflate? In our Christian traditions, which make things easier for us to grasp, we call this state “THE CHRIST”.
It’s a word that’s often mistranslated, and its ancient origin comes from “Chraomai”, which in ancient Greek means to receive a loan, to borrow, to make use of something… Christic consciousness is in fact that part of us that is lent to us but doesn’t really belong to us. The question is therefore how to manage this “loan”.
Learning to think without words
We sometimes think that it takes a lot of words and ideas to pray… But God is in fact like a lover with whom we have had a date since the beginning of times. This feeling can be understood as unconditional love taken to its most extreme expression. The important thing is to feel it, to experience it, to let it take hold of us. Following this “divine instinct”means relinquishing all control over what we are used to experience. It means entering into a non logic dimension. The divine is a “magnet”… it’s attraction is non-logical. This irresistible pull is “self-love”, the nostalgia of our origins pushes us to seek “something else”.
All this “searching” requires is a total letting go. The first thing to let go of is our attachment to words and the concepts they convey. Words are meant to express reality, but reality is inexpressible. This is why the Old Testament forbids pronouncing the name of God and why the divine Principle is called “unpronounceable”.
In the absence of a means of expressing Divine love, we speak of the Bridegroom and the Bride. It’s the return to unity, the alliance of the human and the divine (which corresponds to the unity of Yin and Yang in Taoism) … Men or women, we are all energetically the bride of God, which is why priests and nuns are celibate in Catholicism. This can be seen as a misinterpretation of the true meaning of the sacred union with the Christ. As is often the case, religions tend to take the symbol for the truth.
Words can only be a remedy against the forgetfulness of our nature, they are not health, they can lead to it, provided we respect the orders of the sacred texts that map it out. They will never be spiritual health, they can only show us the way…
During a wedding, the only words that matter are “yes” and “no”. Saying yes gives us a chance for a leap into the unknown. There’s no need for more verbiage. To answer the question: “Do you agree to take the Lord as your bridegroom?” there’s no time to waste getting lost in misconceptions and symbols. The answer is “Yes” or “No” That consummates the NEW ALLIANCE (see Jeremiah 31:31–34).
Words can help elevate our consciousness
In fact, there are two types of silence: the silence of absence and the silence of Presence. The silence of absence occurs when we forget to be vigilant, when we let an obligation pass us by through inattention. This corresponds to the state of waking sleep, the hypnotic state that is our daily lot.
In the Presence, the light of consciousness remains on and silence is communion with the Christ of our spirit. When we are anchored in the Presence, adoration no longer requires any effort. Don’t our eyes catch the light of day spontaneously, without any will on our part? …. Consciousness IS, just as life IS in us, naturally. It’s only millennia of illusions that keep us in a belief of duality.
When we are just starting out on the path, or when our inner attitude still lacks firmness, words can be useful. They can facilitate our elevation, provided we grasp their meaning and don’t just pay them lip service. Affirmations are not “requests”. These reinforce separation. It is the ego asking God to make exceptions. Self-interest fosters the illusion that we have to manipulate the divine to get something private. Prayers “with expectations” imply that we don’t trust God, even though he is “omniscient” and should know our needs better than we do. There’s nothing scientific about asking the universe to adapt its laws to our desires. It is ruled by fixed laws ensuring it functions properly.
Affirmations” have a different function, they do not create anything that is not already there. They only have an influence on the shadows occulting our mind. Affirming : “Christ is in me and he is Love, substance and eternal life” expresses our conviction about a cosmic law. Our spirit affirms that there can be no absence of Substance, Love and Life…
Such statements express self-evident spiritual principles. Unity is self-evident, the recognition of our limitations is self-evident, the fact that our wounds heal without our intervention is self-evident. To express those evidences explicitly is to affirm what IS, in other words : “I am what I am”.
If we ask ourselves: “What is God?”, we can answer: “It is the ‘I AM’ experience”. The “I AM” experience within us is the living experience of the incarnation of God in our heart, at the center of our being. We all have this “I am” within us. This sense of “identity” can be verified at any time. All we have to do is ask the question “Who am I?” or stand in front of a mirror… This “I AM” consciousness is the ultimate and unique reality. Beyond it, there is no need for words nor concepts.
Experiencing the “I AM” state
The “I AM” state of consciousness corresponds to an “unshakeable Faith”. In other words an obvious knowledge of our real SELF. We then know what we are. Remember that the phrase “I said you are Gods” is a declaration by the Creator in the Old Testament. All our actions are then carried out naturally “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”, three complementary aspects of the ONE (like sight, the eye and the perceived idea, or the essence of sound, the instrument and auditory perception, etc.). Because our divine DNA we express ourselves not in our own name but ‘IN THE NAME’ of the Father.
Once we have reached this state of self-consciousness, which is our original state, we have succeeded in dispelling the clouds of ignorance hidding the infinite depth of heaven. We then feel that the Christ of our being has never left us, whatever we have done. For “Christ” is not a principle of judgement. This consciousness within us knows no subject-object or inside-outside opposition. It is the radiant I AM, pure awareness, source of light. It has supported and will continue to support all our activities, whatever they may be. Isn’t it said that God is no respecter of persons.
What we call “the person” (persona) is in fact only the mask we use. It’s the role we play as human beings. How we perceive the difference between identifying ourselves with our illusions and aknowledging our divine identity depends on our state of consciousness not on our environment. Are we succeeding in fully living our I AM? Are we receptive to its impulses or are we still acting under the leadership of our illusory beliefs?
To live the “T”rinity as one” is to reach 100% of the state of consciousness incarnated by Jesus, Buddha and many others. They are human beings like you and me. In terms of consciousness, there is no difference of consciousness between avatars. Nor is there any difference between avatars and us. All those who have reached the I AM consciousness have found the same thing : for spirit, no one is different, no one is superior, everything is ONE. All “born of the same Source” (if there is a need for a Source…aren’t we Self-Existant?
The statement that Jesus was the Son of God has often been misinterpreted. Some have seen in this “divine origin” a difference in essence compared to us. This is a misinterpretation turning his revelation into an illusory separation. In fact, he incarnated in order to show us the way as the Son of Man. His life made visible the invisibility of the “Divine mystery”. His life have been the instruction manual for returning Home. It is his humanity that made the way easy to follow for us. Moses preached by transmission; Jesus preached by incarnation. We are thus able to identify with him in order to retrieve our Christ consciousness.
This reminder of the origin occurs according to the level of consciousness reached by each person. When he was still with them, even very few of Jesus disciples were able to understand his teachings (he often lamented this, describing them as “men of little faith”).
There is no point in asking God to manifest himself as they wished, since he himself is the essence of manifestation and is present even when we are asleep. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous to think that the sun stops shining when the weather is cloudy? Is it not enough to understand that clouds prevent us from perceiving its warmth and light?
God doesn’t need our human words, he doesn’t need our requests. We’re the ones who think we need his answers. We only don’t hear them because we have been temporarily deaf. It is therefore pointless to add anything to God. He IS and we are. When we recover the use of our spiritual senses, every act becomes a prayer and the flame of the spirit always remains lit on the altar of our awareness. We then rediscover the sense of our ORIGIN, what we call “THE FATHER’S HOUSE”.
There is no need to add the slightest sound, the slightest personal vibration. Then we will live an effortless state of illumination. The Word of GOD will flow through us in silence, it will guide us and we will feel it nourishing us as the blood in our veins does.