Ho’oponopono: How to remind the “Zero State”.
“Desire as newborn babes the pure milk of the spirit, that by it you may grow to salvation” Peter 2:2
When Jesus asks us to become “like little children” again, he is referring to a state of absolute “poverty of spirit”,
The way of total freedom
He is referring to a total absence of thought, a “purity of spirit” that has nothing to do with morality.
His instructions are strictly practical; they have nothing to do with any religion. He did not seek to lay the foundations of Christianity, but to reveal a practical path. Through precise instructions, he offers the way of a very simple “yoga”, in all its purity.
This “yoga” involves the body-mind. It is not about controlling the body or the mind. On the contrary. It simply invites us to let the “pure spiritual milk” flow. In other words, to let the sensation reveal the growth of the “Kingdom of Heaven” spontaneously within us. This non-violent path is the easiest way possible; it involves abandoning even the very idea of growth.
Could there be a more direct path to liberation than this?
Be the sensation of being
To find our destination, we need to let ourselves be absorbed by the sensation of being ourselves without any violence. This state of total openness allows us to relive in the flesh what we all experienced during our gestation.
This is the only way to the Source: to give up our hold on all the thoughts that are dear to us, right down to the last one.
This total surrender to the action of life within us corresponds to what the New Testament calls “humility”. Humility has nothing to do with what we generally understand by this word.
This state that the texts speak of is in fact absolute trust, total surrender of self. Being able to “lay down one’s life for one’s friends” is the sacrifice of the ego, a total “Letting go and letting God”. Only in this way can we allow the presence of the Spirit to become a reality in our consciousness.
To do this, we need to stop complicating our lives, and simply let the words, the phrases and even the memory of ever having had the ability to speak, to think and to imagine fade away.
Awareness of before awareness
Let that first awareness of before awareness, of before breath itself, return. Let emerge the sensation of before the world and ideas about it, before the family, the language spoken, the country inhabited. To go upstream, let yourself be carried by the current towards this consciousness, leave the earth, the universe and the words that give form.
If you really want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, if you really want to reintegrate the Source, you must go back to that state of non-being that will reveal your true being reaching the state of Zero through total self-release. From this point, there will be nothing left but the consciousness of before even the emergence of the consciousness “I AM”.
But please, do not imagine this Kingdom of Heaven as something special, far away, with a God seated on a throne. It is in fact what science call “Chaos», without any negative connotations.
This Kingdom is your own royalty itself. This state of consciousness is within you, it is the reality of what you feel when all sensation has dissolved into itself. What remains is only the emptiness of your essence, when you feel like being “this emptiness that walks”…