Ho’oponopono : Illusion and reality

When I search for ho’oponopono on the net, I’m surprised to find so many trainers offering courses on the subject. As a former official Coordinator for French Speaking countries for this ancestral Hawaiian ritual and as a collaborator of Doctor Len, I wonder where all these “specialists” have been trained?
Can True Ho’oponopono be for sale?
Going through the contents of the so called “Classes” and “Ho’oponopono Certifications” you will find no more than a remix of information scattered all over the net. Those “revelations of kahuna secrets” are almost all contained in Joe Vitale’s book “Zero Limits”. Unfortunately, this “best seller” marks the start of what I call the “ho’oponopono bargain”.
If you compare all this commercial information, you will see that this so called ho’oponopono has always a price…Which is not its original perspective. The second aspect is that it is always presented as an answer to human basic expectations: more money, better health, better relationships, a better work. Joe Vitale is an expert in selling solutions. With this unknown ritual, he found the most mind blowing and easy to sell bait for suckers…
Becoming a parrot do not heal.
Do you really believe that repeating all day long like a parrot “I am sorry, forgive me, I thank you, I love you” will be enough to solve all your problems? Do you even need a certification to teach this? Joe sold his version of ho’oponopono by illustrating the effectiveness of the self-proclaimed “technique” with the story of Dr Len healing a full hospital of unsane people just by praying all day the four sentences in his office…Never meeting his patients…Do you really believe it?
Just try by yourself to repeat those four sentences for more than five minutes and you will find you lose track. Your mind will wander on your problems, your obligations and all kind of mundane things…Suppose you succeed in keeping your mind on your “ho’oponopono” during a longer time, figure out spending one working day doing it ceaselessly…Imagine six days of your week focusing exclusively on this and figure out one year with four sentences…If you did it, I’m sure you would on your turn get insane…
On my point of view, with this book, the ho’oponopono of Morrnah Simeona and Hew Len got hijacked and it became a numbing “Master Key” …far away of its traditional roots.
An anaestetic mantra as a panacea.
The result, if we’re being honest, is that this famous mantra: “I love you, etc.” only has a placebo effect in the best of cases. When its anaesthetic action wears off, all the memories and problems from the beginning come back. The race of the hamster in the wheel of karma continues. I can tell you this with full knowledge of the facts because I don’t know anyone who has benefited in the long term from one of these courses.
And why not? Quite simply because the real aim of ho’oponopono is to bring back harmony in a community by bringing together under the mediation of a qualified person all the conflictive parts of a situation. It is not a complicated procedure. First, both parts must accept the authority of the person running the ritual. The second point is about reminding them the meaning of being PONO. Understanding the meaning of “pono” suppose that your frame of live is the unexplicit “ALOHA SPIRIT”.
“Aloha Spirit” is not something to grasp with the mind. You get it with all your cells, with your heart, with your breath, … It’s the natural state of Life as it is and as it has ever been. Feeling part of the whole allows our natural rhythm, in accord with beat of the Universe. It is called “Synchronicity”. The process and the result of an ho’oponopono mediation succeeds only by releasing all egoïstic thoughts and being back to the root of being.
What are we really looking for?
So, what is the root of being? What remains about us when we throw away all this cluster of identification we proudly call “me”? When we accept to get rid of all our mental programming. We must peel the onion…Name, birthplace, family, work, expectations…All this imaginary stuff is just a bunch of memories. Give it a try, peel your identity of all your illusory identifications. What will be left? What is called “Zero state”
When you will have trashed your ideas about “yourself” you stand in the middle of “Your Self” … What we call “SELF” is the contemporary name of GOD…Remember that story about Moses asking for the name of God…What was the answer?
In Exodus, God states His own name for the first time: “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. ‘ And He said, ‘Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you’” (Exodus 3:14).
The Ho’oponopono of Morrnah Simeona was called “Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono” her principal objective was not to feed expectations. Self-Identity is realized only when in a zero state you answer the question: “Who am I” or “Who is the I”. Its sole objective is to make us aware of our true “Identity” by erasing all our ideas about everything, including realization.
When “I AM I” everything else is given to me as well. ho’oponopono is not a patch-up that can be applied over a weekend; it is a path of a message able to bring the whole planet to the state of freedom called: The Spirit of Aloha.”
Patrice Julien is the author of “The Manual of Ho’oponopono, a New Way of Life”.