Ho’oponopono is just an “alarm clock”
If you check around the word Ho’oponopono you will find definitions like this one : “Ho’oponopono is defined as “to put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat.” or in the best case “The word ho’oponopono roughly translates to “cause things to move back in balance” or to “make things right.” It’s a very zen concept.”
Losing meaning through definitions
That’s the best way to kill the chicken in the egg because it is just a projection of the way a majority of people look at religions, spiritualities or “illumination”. Let’s ask the question: “What does that mean to put things right? What is expressed by “orderly”? What do people see through “move in balance”? Where could we find a definition of absolute balance? All the definitions you will find about this Hawaiian ritual will hit the same stone: it’s all about dreams we have created about this imaginary land called “Paradise”.
The result is that even if Spirit is one, absolute and invisible, all religions have created their own illusory homeland which is the projection of all the human desires. And the way to get there would be to kill all our present motivations to access this land full of delights…Every period in history and every civilization have created a different projection of this ideal world. Be a good religious person during your life and you will have chances to get there.
Spiritualities are projections of desires
And because this “dreamland” legend for kids sell well we customize it to help all spiritual message fit in the box…That’s the case of “Ho’oponopono” as well as other ways…The result of this process is that it invalidates everything…
Because if you give a definition of the word “jumping” it will not show you the right way to do it. If you want to understand what means “Walking on waters”, do not go thru an analyse, just walk ahead and experience by yourself what happens…
Human imagination has been educated trough years of illusions. We love the idea that definitions help to reach reality. But it does not take a lot of observation to understand that on the contrary definitions separate from reality. What is the definition of “falling in love” or even what are your feelings when you “have sex”?
Are definitions ways to grab the field of subjective experience? NO, there is no way to escape illusion by definitions. The Hawaiian language called “Olelo Hawaii” is the way to jump out of the box: because it is a self- definition language. When you “talk stories” you do not need any external interpretation because you express them as a personal experience.
We are always and have always been “PONO”
Definitions are always about “having” or “giving” meaning. But life is only about living as “meaning”. Under this angle, we only need ho’oponopono when we do not feel “PONO”, period. But do not jump to find a definition of what should be being “pono”. The point is that the process called “ho’oponopono” is not to be used because we are not “pono” but because we are always been so. We cannot move out of it even if we wish. Our problems appear when we do not notice our direct experience of PONO anymore because of the presence of illusory ideas, of imaginary programmings building a veil.
Being “PONO” is simply the heartbeat, the drum of life. It is our eternal inner paradise. On the contrary we have projected on this basic, natural state all the interpretations and feelings of culpability created by our religions…We turn repentance as a way of pulling us down on our knees as miserable beings. In fact, to feel PONO we just need to be with the feeling within that we always have been the “prodigal son”. Our father’s Kingdom have always been waiting for us…And in fact we never left our seat as head of the Kingdom…
When practicing ho’oponopono you have the choice between two ways : digging deeper and deeper within your illusions and your culpability or awaken to your PONO state…
Awakening do not take time, it is not a goal, nor a destination, it’s your SELF. It is the reason why Morna’s Ho’oponopono is called “SELF-IDENTITY THROUGH HO’OPONOPONO” .You awaken or you stay asleep. That’s all.
Just step out of bed, move from the desire of having more of something (eve spiritual) to the consciousness of being what you are and have always been, from understanding to feeling. You just need an alarm-clock.