It’s a book of Joe Vitale that started the story…Joe is a good storyteller and he knows that people want to buy tales…Mainly when they look magical.
Humans like fictions, they just drink it like a Coke. They sip it and get the sugar shot. It’s not very good for your diet but it makes you feel high.
What was the sugar in the juice? The miracle story of an Hawaiian born Doctor living in fact in Los Angeles who was supposed to cure a bunch of insane guys in an Hawaiian prison Hospital.
The legend behind the facts : curing miraculously a whole prison hospital in Hawaii.
How did he accomplish the cure? The story says that he did not even see his patients. He stayed in his office all day in front of the files of those very dangerous guys repeating endlessly “I am sorry, forgive me, I thank you, I love you”. That was all the magic in the book. That’s how the buzz was built.
So simple, so easy, the end of all problems of humanity in those 4 sentences. And when this went through the net it became the “Hawaiiann Promise”.
If you google “Ho’oponopono” in any language, you will find books, certifications, justifications, hocus pocus, you even will find in Hawaii self proclamed “Gardians of the Secret” remixing…