Ho’oponopono meditation ; What is the nature of GOD?
Good morning, I’d like to share with you some morning ideas inspired by a meditation in the “zero state”:
Living the attributes of “GOD”
We can never define the Divine, we can only experience it, and we can only experience it moment by moment through the attributes we recognise in it…If God is Freedom, I experience freedom; if God is Love, I can identify with that; if God is Light, I am that, and so on. The same will be true if I create a distance between the Divine and my reality or if I choose the idea of a controlling, angry or vengeful God.
The image of God adopted by mankind corresponds to the state of consciousness and the cultural and social constraints of the environment. The irascible despot of the time of Moses does not have the same image as the God of paternal love evoked by Jesus more than 2000 years ago.
Since then, there has been no factual update. This implies that today’s christianism is still based in reference to an archaic representation. This explains the decline of institutional religions. They try to display a certain modernism in their packaging, but continue to use outdated models that are often results of misinterpretations.
Updating the image of God
And yet, the Bible of more than two millennia ago already prophesied the ways in which the Divine message would be updated. The idea of aNew Covenant, was defined as follows: “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts and write them on their minds, he adds: I will remember their sins and their iniquities no more.”
This is unequivocal. The time for intermediaries is over. It is up to each person, “in spirit and truth”, to receive in his or her consciousness the personalised messages of the Divine.
We must therefore let go old ideas in order to receive updates. Those are no longer collective but personal. Each soul is recognised as an original channel able of receiving this direct transmission. The time for this communion from Spirit to Spirit being only possible in the immediate present, it is therefore imperative to live without preconceptions. We should remain in a state of awakening, in order to discover the newness revealed through daily life.
My perception of love today will not be the same tomorrow because existence is a continuous creation. Life is never repeating the same content, even if it may seem identical. Each moment is unique and gives rise to new feelings. It is only in this state of total availability that we can allow the subtle nuances of our being to be inscribed on a purified consciousness.
Everything passes through the “waiting room of the body” before being translated into emotions and ideas. We must welcome this flow of energy without imprisoning it in words, expectations, memories or projects. Neither the future nor the past exist; they are illusory escapes leading nowhere.
Free…free…Life is free by nature, present, open. It was humans that invented cages and prisons to lock up self consciousness.