Ho’oponopono : Back to “Zero State”.

Loving Father,
Anticipating the hour of my physical death,
I surrender to you right NOW all my thoughts
And all my beliefs,
conscious and unconscious.
I entrust to you all my attachments,
My affections and my aversions,
My loves and dislikes,
My good and bad memories.
I place in your hands
All that I have forgiven
And all that I have not forgiven
And that I have forgotten.
I return to you all that you have given me
All that I thought I had,
And everything I’ve achieved in all my lives
Until now.
Take it all back.
Grant me
To appear before you
In all the purity of my soul,
In my original perfection.
Free me from all this human past
That weighs me down.
At this moment,
I surrender myself totally to you.
I accept to die
At every moment.
So that I can take flight
to return to you
my eternal Source.
Free me from the illusion of body, and matter,
From illness, suffering,
worries and illusions of death and sadness.
Welcome me within your infinite Joy
in my body of light and love…
I know you are still waiting
the return of all your children.
May your will be done this way,
Eternal Father,
In me, through me
And within each of your creatures.
That your will be done
And thy Kingdom accomplished,
On earth as in heaven.