Ho’oponopono ; meaning and use of the « HA »
The spirit of Aloha is the awareness that we are ‘inspired’. The word must be taken in its most ‘literal’ sense.
We are always “inspired”
What does it mean to be ‘inspired’? Well, to realize this, all we must do is to understand that we don’t inspire ourselves. We may have the impression of inspiring voluntarily but it’s an illusion. We think that we control the process but in fact, something tot belonging to our will does the job.
The proof is that when we exhale our « last breath », we cease to breathe forever in our present shape. Why does this happen? Because we cease to be inspired.
Humans share this process with all creation. Nothing escapes it.
Belonging tho the universal breath
The entire universe is inspired and exhaled by Life, and with the last breath out something leaves the material shape of humans, animals and vegetal to return to an initial state of raw material.
We tend to forget the origin of the words we use, so we use the word “secret” for evidences: To be inspired, Inspiration, Spirit, spiritual, …
These words all have the same origin, the same root related with the breath…
The word “Aloha” holds the same origin. The “Ha” is the sound we make naturally when we breathe out fully.
Ha and Om : the presence of God
“Ha” is the sound of the seed of life, as is “OM”, which is the sound we make when we open our mouths as wide as we can and propagate a vibration in space…
Why do we speak of OM-presence, OM-niscience and OM-nipotence to evoke the attributes of the creative Spirit of the UNI-VERS?
The essence of Aloha is the consciousness of the incoming and outcoming of the vital breath. This word used in Hawaii as a greeting because meeting somebody is sharing the awareness of the breath. Just as ‘NAMASTE’ recalls the awareness of divine identity in India.
Greeting the divine breath in another person or acknowledging God in a human being is the same thing. It’s a reminder of our true “identity”. It’s not a secret it’s an evidence.
It’s the reason why, meditating on the « HA » breath is one of the most natural way to get back to the « Zero state » called “Aloha” …