Friedrich Nietzsche
Ho’oponopono : When will you awaken?
A few days ago my assistant introduced me to a lady by saying that I will be soon giving a talk about my new book “The Manual of Ho’oponopono”published in France. The lady answered : “Oh Yeah, I know about Ho’oponopono”, I found the Prayer of Morrnah on Google when I was in Bali, I used it and it was terrific.
There is no “Prayer of Morrnah”
When I asked her about what was that prayer she felt embarrassed and she finally said that it was something about forgiveness and ancestors…I have been working for several years with Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len , have been teaching ho’oponopono officially since that period but I never heard about something called “The Prayer of Morrnah”…But the lady was sure of her point. She acted like if she knew more than me about that Prayer and about the Ho’oponopono.
When I read what is written everywhere on the internet about the Ho’oponopono adapted by Morrnah Simeona I understand that humans have not yet found the way out of the state of spiritual infancy called idolatry. “Prayer of Morrnah, Ho’oponopono mantra, miraculous cures, secret of the kahunas,…” people are still blinded by all this hocus pocus. The more it looks mysterious and more a large majority consider it is valuable…
Is saying “I love you” the “secret of the kahunas?”
If we look at this so called “Secret of the Kahunas”, what do we find? Only those 4 sentences “I am sorry, forgive me, I thank you, I love you”…Do we need the kahunas for this?Where is the secret stuff?
Open a Bible, the same thing is written on every page. Read the Lords Prayer with an open mind and see that it is pure ho’oponopono. Shall we go to Hawaii to find the same thing? Do we really need the Prayer of Morrnah to clean our souls the same way?
We are not comparing detergents in a TV spot…Why Hawaii? Why Morrnah Simeona? Why the Kahunas? That is the questions adults should ask. Yes, a guy was supposed to have freed a whole bunch of dangerous prisoners from an hawaiian hospital only by praying in his office. It is said he never met any of them. Just looking at files and saying the miraculous mantra did the job. This story reported by a successful writer in the field of self-help was enough to create the buzz…
The legend of the prison-hospital of Hawaii
The whole legend started for this single report…From there the fantasy, boosted by a huge placebo effect produced a tsunami. The problem was that it was deflecting the objective of the original message of Morrnah Simeona.
Her vision was not about a prayer, a mantra, an increase of your bank account, nor about curing sicknesses…The idea was just that all those problems where realated with a n absence of consciousness of “Self-Identity”… In fact, if we were able to answer the question “Who am I?” we would not need to change anything about life to feel better.
Self-Identity is about “who am I?”
Why are we unable to accept this evidence? Because of the memories, because of our beliefs, because of generations of mental programming. This is the real problem since man started on this planet. Everything in nature just “IS”, we are the only specie looking for more than being what we “are”…Moses, Jesus, The kahunas, Morrnah, Hew Len,…everybody says the same thing : REMEMBER WHAT YOU ARE…That’s it…
But humans are so stubborn that they prefer to pursue a childish dream and stay in a trouble than to awaken to what they really are and find the real peace.