Ho’oponopono & Zen : Getting rid of “idolatry”

I have chosen to teach Morrnah Simeona’s original version of Ho’oponopono after years of trials between meditations techniques and a long intensive practice of “Zen Sitting” (Zazen)in Japan under the direction of one of the best Master I could find.
How to get out of the trap
When I met my Zen Master he told me that the only way to get out of the “hamster wheel” was to be “ready to die” which means somehow: “You need to be willing to let go of all your identifications and all the illusory beliefs behind what you consider as your reality”.
In fact, this idea is the foundation of all true spiritual ways. For me, at that time, Zen was very practical and straightforward. No need for any concept ; any belief in a so called “law of attraction”, not even a need to give a name to a Creator, no need for angels, guides, power stones, power spots, etc…
“Zen way” is not about adding beliefs to a cluster of beliefs or changing any idol into another idol…Zen is a way to get rid of all idolatry without any exception.
Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono : cleaning memories!
Then, through Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono way I found a good toolbox to work in the same direction by using all the chances my everyday life gave me to erase illusory thoughts. Today I still sit “Zen way” on a daily basis, but Ho’oponopono also allows me to continue the job of clearing my inner mess continuously.
Knowing that all words, all thoughts, all happenings are produced by “memories” is simple and very practical. The choice is between buying it or not. Knowing that when you choose the old version of your “reality” you hurt yourself makes the deal easy. In fact, once we see the impact of this simple choice, we start acting “scientifically”.
I say “scientifically “because we are usually choosing to live in idolatry: illusions of happiness, craving for money, expecting benefits from the law of attraction, expecting reiki to cure you, investigating past lives…All those ideas must be seen as “hocus-pocus” leading our mind to confusion.
A jump into the Unknown
The basics of Zen and Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono is to radically make a jump into the unknown (the field of all potentials)…All of us know that what we call “The Present” is just a concept that does not catch nor express even an ounce of the “Flow of life”…
“Living in the Present” is possible only when we accept to swim in the river not being even aware that there is a river…Sitting Zen way or “cleaning” Ho’oponopono way allows us to reach this state. The only question is “Are we ready to leave all our concepts on the shore.”
Because there is still a tricky point. During the classes I teach, some participants tend to move from past illusions to an attachment to the tools of Ho’oponopono. They tend to “deify” the word itself and all the related processes.They talk about “the mantra of Ho’oponopono” or “the prayer of Morrnah” as if they were magical tools. In fact, they stay fascinated by the finger pointing at the moon…and again miss the point.
They think that they have taken a distance from all religious beliefs. For them God, Father, Creator,…have become “repulsive” words…They find in “Ho’oponopono”, “Unihipili”, “Aumakua” and all the Hawaiian vocabulary a sweetness and a freshness they do not feel anymore within their own religious culture…Not noticing it, they move from a religion to another, missing the focal destination of all religions…
That is one of the worst way to look at things because any aversion creates a new idolatry because it maintains the mind in a belif in duality. Choosing a way against another is remaining inside the “hamster wheel”.The best checkpoint is to watch your world and see if you create frontiers (even spiritual ones.)
Oneness is oneness…Period.
Getting rid of illusion is not buying into a new belief. The only destination is the ZERO POINT. Zero is Zero is Zero…
That is the reason why a Zen teaches us : “If you see Buddha during your Zazen, kill him”.
We could translate it as : “If you feel any attachment to the word “Ho’oponopono” or any religious concept, cut the rope.”