Life is just a point of view.
For practical and somewhat paradoxical reasons, we can consider that we live in two universes: the so called “inside” and the “outside”. In fact, when we close our eyes to meditate or sleep, it’s as if we were flipping a switch that takes us from one level of consciousness to the other, there is no separation, no duality, no frontier in between our “realities”.So what is the hint we can get from this evidence.
Reality is just a choice of beliefs.
If we take a closer look at the phenomenon, we may get the impression that our ‘inner’ world is a matter of the mind and that the ‘outer’ world is the indisputable material plane. I say ‘indisputable’ because we generally think of this as solid evidence…
That’s where all our problems come from: we take ‘OUR reality’ for ‘THE REALITY’. And yet, let’s face it, what we call ‘REALITY’, something that we think is neutral and solid, varies according to our state of mind.
The world won’t be the same on a day when we’re in good spirits as on a day when we’re depressed. If we have several bills to pay, we won’t see the same thing as if we’ve received several bank transfers or if we’ve just won a large sum of money unexpectedly.
Solutions are always within ourselves.
We can even take this reasoning further and see that our conception of the laws of life is different. Some people live in ‘black cat’ mode, feeling that they are the victims of a curse or bad luck and generally believing that there is no cure.
Others, on the other hand, are certain that they were born under a lucky star. This explains innocent phrases such as ‘money begets money’ or ‘you only lend to the rich’.
All our prayers for peace since the dawn of time have still not eradicated war from our planet. Even religions do not have this power. Just look at the Middle East, the cradle of the two main human religions, which is still plagued by destruction and carnage.
It’s not happening outside, it’s happening inside each and every one of us. ‘Revolution begins within’ has the same meaning as the biblical phrase: “The Kingdom of God is within you”. It just means that “Our Power is within our reach at 100%” and it is the sole real power.
How do we get out of it?
How do we get out of impowerment? How do we get out of the vicious circle of limitations, problems and frustrations? An anecdote provides a clue:
A disciple went to see a renowned master and said to him: ‘Master, my life is full of problems, I can’t even sleep any more, they are constantly occupying my thoughts. No matter how much I meditate, I can’t find a solution. What do you advise me to do to get out of this?’ The master smiled reassuringly and replied: ‘Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. Bring me all your problems and I’ll solve them for you one by one’.
And yes… everything is there, in our thoughts.
No problem can be real without a thinker. In fact, there is nothing outside our personal imagination. And what is this imagination made of? Solid things? No, the disciple can’t contribute anything, because there’s nothing concrete in everything that worries us: the death of a loved one, a divorce, a feeling of betrayal, and even little things like bills or financial problems… none of this has any reality outside our point of view… They’re just ideas, ideas that we take to be external constraints. In fact, they’re our own constraints, and sometimes we’re convinced that our constraints are duties, when in fact they’re just ‘points of view’, only mutable human beliefs.
Just a question of point of view.
A ‘point of view’ is a choice made from a 360% perspective, you just have to change your line of sight to explore solutions… It’s as simple as that. That’s why in Chinese, the ideogram representing danger also means opportunity.
Every frustration, every crisis, every problem is a red light on the dashboard of life.
To succeed in solving problems , all we need to do is understand that for there to be vision, there has to be something that is the source of this look at the ‘outside’.
Asking ‘Who is at the origin of this vision?’ gives us a chance to find out (in?)our own point of power: at the very source of our vision…