Living the “GOOD NEWS”
‘It is good to remember that we are here to live the “EVANGILE”’.
Let’s remember that the word comes from the Greek language and that in this ancient language ‘euangelion’ means ‘good news’. In the first century, the Greek word did not refer to a written gospel, but rather to the ‘Good News’ proclaimed by Jesus and his apostles.
But what is this Good News that is so often misunderstood and misapplied?
This ‘good news’ is simply the realisation that what we call ‘the Kingdom of God’ is within us, in our hands and nowhere else. In this sense, we are by nature ‘omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent’.
Let go of all your beliefs and all your expectations
On one condition: that we are willing to rid ourselves of the memories that limit us. We need to relize that all our beliefs, without any exception are lies we tell to ourselves. We need an absolute 100% RESET. Then we must live this good news with FAITH and without any expectation. This doesn’t mean we need to convince others of something or explain what we’ve understood; we simply have to ‘embody’ the radiant SELF that we are and let its light work around us, naturally.
We don’t need to know or understand who we are, we just need to live from this untouchable, self-existent CENTRE. We even have to forget about God, all the saints, the angels and the world. We need to re-create everything from the heart of our being, inspired by the sun’s radiation: give without holding anything back and don’t expect anything in return (because that’s the trap). Everything in the Universe always radiates from the inside out; to go the other way is to die (the body returning to the earth helps us to understand this principle).
You are an universe in expansion
So, in spite of apparent obstacles, we must constantly embody and live from this centre an ever-new creation, so that at every moment, through our thoughts, words and deeds, we can affirm in our hearts ‘Let there be Light’.
This is the expression of ‘Divine Glory’. The expression of the Glory of the SELF (OUR-SELVES)… is the true LOVE OF THE SELF, the simple fact of being able to naturally feel : I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD…and to live it daily in a total self-giving….That is true unconditional love…”Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”