Mastery of life
The material universe is just an illusion,
a challenge to Spirit,
because it is only a mirror for inner vision,
for imagination…
Spirit once pronounced light,
we must not forget it.
We must not bow to it,
because if we did,
the spirit
would lose itself in his own creation.
It would give up all power to create again
It would become prisoner
Of himself.
With the risk to never escape.
Creation will never become the Creator.
The craftsman or artist projects into the external world
Born in his mind
the image of excellence that is within,
and this reflection shows back to him the degree of mastery
of which he is capable.
This is how he can rectify, improve,
Only the relationship with this image
which he can examine in all its reality,
enables him in real time
to assess his degree of satisfaction.
But what is satisfaction?
It is the moment when there is perfect coincidence
between his ideal
and the material universe
to which he has given birth.
It is that moment, fully aware of his Humanity
he realizes that there are no more obstacles.
He looks at his life’s work from every angle
and finds no fault with it.
There is no longer any “wrong way”.
He can see that “all is well”.
and for a moment of delight
he feels the Peace of the Creator.
Deep down, each of us is a craftsman
an artist of Life ;
creating is what we set out to do when we came here,
in this world of deceptive mirrors.
Unfortunately, some of us have been struck with amnesia.