New ho’oponopono Book and website
As you may know, I am French. I write books and teach Self Identity through Ho’oponopono Aloha and Ikigaï around the world after having been the official French coordinator for the teaching of Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono for IZI from 2009 to 2013.
Ho’oponopono Aloha, the Way of inner freedom
Ho’oponopono is not the memorization of lessons for our logical mind. The way set by Morrnah Simeona is a practical tool to reach total inner freedom. Once you get there, you are done…It does not mean that life gives you a certification, it just gives you the feeling that you are able to drive freely by yourself and go everywhere you need or want to go.
Once you understand the rule of the game, you do not win anything special. You just better understand how to play the game and how to enjoy playing it. This means that a teacher never becomes THE source of a knowledge. He just gives hints according to his own level of realisation.
A finger showing the moon
All “Masters” have limitations…By practicing ho’oponopono we find our own specific source of wisdom…The finger showing the moon never become the moon.It is the reason why we should see a master or a spiritual way only as a guide and never as owning a special power. It is all about our own level of consciousness.
Morrnah Simeona, Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len and other “luminaries” have their own limitations because humans are only humans. Which means that they are only able to help people clean their subconscious according to the state of consciousness themselves have reached. We are only able to channel the “God of our heart” which means our level of inner freedom from collective conditioning.
Erasing everything to reach the “Zero point”
The reason why I practice and teach Self -Identity through ho’oponopono is that I find it offers the most simple and radical tutorial to get rid of our trans-generational garbage. The only thing we have to do is to let go of everything we believe in, absolutely everything, even ho’oponopono. It’s all dead stuff.
Once we get to that point we are able to see the absolute evidence of life. At zero we are just an empty pipe. We have unclogged our brain, cleaned our inner space for Spirit to flow in and instruct us when we need instruction. We then even will have to let go of any spiritual way we have been following. We become able to use our own “shortcuts”.
The Creator does not wait anything from us
Let’s take the exemple of the 12 or 14 steps process taught during official Morrnah style ho’oponopono classes. Do you imagine that the universe needs you use 6 or 9 or 12 or 24 steps to solve your problems? Do you really think that the creator of All that is would ask you to spend 30 minutes, one hour or your whole life asking for forgiveness? This belief is so human. So limiting…
This is only a proof of our human weakness. Why do Alcoholic Anonymous need to repeat a 12 step process to get cured from their addiction? Do we really need to believe that a God somewhere is watching what everybody is doing to be sure no one is trying to cheat?
Humans are still very childish to think that they need a certain amount of time to reach full evedidence of what they really are. The teaching of all true masters is very clear : you are the goal, period. You are free before you get addicted. Why are you making it so difficult?
Our subconscious is the Key of the Cosmos
Some people end an addiction instantly, some get the illumination in a flash of consciousness.The key allowing us to be free belong to the“subconscious” part of our mind. Once we understand this and know how to work with this inner ressource we do not need complex procedures to find our real “IDENTITY”.
To know more about my online teaching of H’o’oponopono (in French, English & Japanese), visit hooponoponoexpert.com