On how our thoughts run the show…
I share with you this interesting session I had online with a client. You know I am teaching the Self Identity through Ho’oponopono process which is the easiest way to bring the mind to the “Zero state”.
The problem is that lot of people do not know what Zero means…In fact Zero+Zero= Zero…That’s all. Very simple logic.
It means that whatever we think is not Zero, whatever we expect or look for is not Zero.To use an image, let say you are in the pool or outside of it, no in between…But human like to try to be in between, mainly in the so called “Spiritual field”…
To be at Zero is the only way to get out of the trap of duality. As an illustration of the way things work, here is a perfect example of how we get stuck in good thoughts and good deeds :
A.: Aloha Patrice Julien,
I have this girl in the pub I see all the time, she is very nice and I always speak to her. I invited her for my birthday in October. As I walked into the pub I felt she was a bit unwelcoming towards me. What I mean by that — others who I know say hello, they kiss me or hug me or open their body towards me, but she always turned away, which I found weird. I feel some resistance from her. Last night we had a laugh and today she was different. I am fine with it, but I don’t get it.
Do you think that I should keep speaking to her or going around her? I feel a bit confused?
Patrice Julien: I would go within, close my eyes and focus on the Christ within (It is the silent presence within called “the kingdom”, it is always there, listening…)
A.: I dont mind if she doesnt want to be friend I accept it, you know what I mean? My reiki master would say these people are testing us
Patrice Julien: Knowing that inside of me something listens to me I would ask “Please bring me some light about this” and I would stay open
A.: I see. I know I am love and light and so is she
Patrice Julien: I would repeat “I am nothing, in my presence all ideas dissolve”
A.: but I feel some resistance from her towards me .My neighbors know her
Patrice Julien: You do not even have to think love or anything considering yourself or that person…
A.: and one of the neighbors is a very jealous type, speaks behind everybody’s back and I am pretty sure he spoke behind mine
Patrice Julien: Nothing, just nothing, I’m nothing…
A.: so I feel that might be the influence, but of course I dont know
Patrice Julien: Remember, all the things we think or try to imagine or imagine is just “illusion replaying”
A.: you are right, things are never what they seemed to be. Meaning illusions
Patrice Julien: It’s all old stuff about our memories of broken self love. No thought can ever solve anything
A.: yes, you are right, thank you.
Patrice Julien: all is solved in nothingness…
A.: I guess I will leave it then. If she responds she does if she doesnt she doesnt. But I feel it is a trying moment of the ego
Patrice Julien: the voice of Divinity (the Christ within) can just be reached in the absolute desert of the mind. Still too much thought
A.: so if I feel a jealous energy from the neighbour that is an illusion in me, right?Or the ego in me
Patrice Julien: just leave it to God. “I leave it to you Father”I know that I cannot know, show me the way.
A.: ok, thank you for your guidance
Patrice Julien: I don’t know her, I even don’t know myself but I know you are taking care of all
A.: I am mad sometimes, but I have zero moments too
Patrice Julien: so much things
A.: the thing is I love people and I miss having friends I can go out with
Patrice Julien: and it loops and loops and it hooks you
A.: that is why i wanted to make more friends, but I dont think some people get me
A.: I think if I give it to God it will be ok. Maybe not instantly, but when is the best for me
Patrice Julien: Give it to nothingness, stop thinking
A.: I love love and loving and giving
Patrice Julien: you do the job or God does it. Both of you cannot work together
A.: I meant I give it to God and I trust the God in me
Patrice Julien: Could you let go of all the thinking?
A.: what do you mean by cannot work together?
Patrice Julien: I mean “God, I leave it to you. I’m so desperate with the attitude I see in people, show me what is happening WITHIN MYSELF that is creating this. This means I tried to think and change it but I understood it is not in my capacity…So you stop thinking. Nothing, just nothing
A.: Let me see if I understand it. For example: I tried to think and understand what is going on with this woman, but it is not in my capacity of my mind, therefore I will leave it to God and give him to solve this. Correct?
Patrice Julien: I am the one crying in the desert : “make straight the way for the Lord”
Patrice Julien: Correct
A.: thank you
Patrice Julien: Every situation is the product of thoughts, of memories replaying.
A.: I agree
Patrice Julien: A reflection of thoughts in the miror
A.: thought create our world, therefore we have to be at zero — so we have love.
Patrice Julien: Forget even love nothing is nothing
A.: just lovely flow
Patrice Julien: flow just is flow…keep thinking “I’m nothing”…and know that every opinion, every thought, every anger is related to nothing
A.: if you say you are nothing — does that mean that you are love and light?
Patrice Julien: is just a lie we should get back to the state before language.God does not speak French nor English. What we call God speaks a language spoken before our birth and after our death. So God des not even correspond to the name God. Names are juste easy fixes. In nothingness only we can start feeling what Divine love is. It is the evidence of Beingness. We close our eyes and beingness welcome us. In the absolute silence of the desert. Just this Zero state called Aloha.
A.: that is nice, I can feel the silence and the light
Patrice Julien: that’s what is called CHRIST. Pure virginity of mind.
A.: when I put on your incense this week, I listened to the native american song and I started to really feel what you are saying now. It always brings me to love and inspiration
Patrice Julien: Any time you see ideas emerging remember it’s a lie.
A.: I agree
Patrice Julien: it’s old stuff popping up
(A is back to the thoughts that started this talk)
A.: im grateful for her, love her and send her light. I forgive and let go
and let God.
Patrice Julien: Be blessed Sister
A.: so this woman just showed me old stuff
Patrice Julien: Stop thinking please…Let go of all popping thoughts
A.: thank you so much for your guidance, Im grateful
Patrice Julien: You do not even have to know if this woman was showing you something
A.: I guess when I am with God I am never alone and I dont have the need to have friends
Patrice Julien: in fact you are showing old stuff to yourself by thinking that you need friends you are sowing something to yourself
Patrice Julien: showing (It’s funny, I misspelled showing in “sowing”)
A.: I see
Patrice Julien: remember “You reap what you sow”
A.: I have friends, but I feel that I would like to have more. So you mean I show myself that I dont want myself
Patrice Julien: Thinking again, you should be spanked…
[9/28/14 6:26:34 AM] A.: :).funny. Sorry I didnt understand the last bit you said. you said that I show stuff to myself
Patrice Julien: Spanking you every time you think maybe the best way to get you in
Patrice Julien: I mean there is no outside
A.: yes I understand that
Patrice Julien: All is within us…
A.: so I am seeing what is in me, in her. Because if it wasnt in me I didnt see it.
Patrice Julien: There is no her… Only me, and when I know there is only me, I am able to trash my own thoughts
A.: yes that is right, that is why I am saying that if it wasnt in me I didnt see it, therefore it is only me. I see something that is an illusion in me, like you said.Ego, not real
Patrice Julien: Hahaha…
Patrice Julien: just erase…The only way out is to return to the state before words
A.: I see ; blank, nothing, nada, absolutely zero
Patrice Julien: yes and that’s where real creation happens
[9/28/14 6:31:41 AM] Patrice Julien: remember the genesis : the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
A.: do you send people love if you are in that situation?
Patrice Julien: The Earth was formless and empty. Who should be sending love?
A.: What I mean is when I am in that situation again, I do what you said, but do you also send love to the person?
Patrice Julien: I asked a question
Patrice Julien: “Who should be sending love?”
A.: if I see this lady again in the pub, I gave it to God, I am nothing, not thinking — does this means as I cleaned in me, within — the love automatically flows in me — and in her?
Patrice Julien: Again I ask the same question…And wait for the answer to come.Do you remember my question?
A.: I dont understand, sorry. I send love to me. God send love to me and to her.
Patrice Julien: Who is love?
A.: you said who shoud be sending love
Patrice Julien: From where does love come?
A.: when we give the memory or problem to God
A.: thats it. we let go and let God
Patrice Julien: Hello?
A.: love is us, we are love and light, that is what we are
Where is the source of true love? You try to grasp it with your logical mind. Love is a word. Go beyond it. The without name is the source of all. My words for Love mean nothing.Just false beliefs and the illusion that I can understand love with my logic. But I can of myself do nothing. It is the Father that is in me who does the Job. I know that all my thoughts are just “of the world”
Patrice Julien: and the world is a lie
A.: so seeing, hearing, feeling and trusting the God in me — will in reflection show me the same
Patrice Julien: Yes but it should be beyond the language, beyond toughts
A.: sure, I get that. We dont have to say that or put that in words
A.: just be it, feel it.
Patrice Julien: praying is going in that place of nothingness and feeling the the prayer of God within us.
Patrice Julien: letting go and letting God work through us beyond thoughts.
Patrice Julien: if your path go to that woman again see if the thoughts are still there
A.: we learn from everything and develop higher and deeper within ourselves
Patrice Julien: Release your mind to it’s true owner. “I give it back to you Father”.
A.: I understand you completely
A.: what I am saying when we are in the situation it takes practice to do it
Patrice Julien: You know I have taken distances from Ho’oponopono but I always remember the prayer of I :
I am the I, I come forth from the void into light
I am that emptiness, that hollowness beyond all consciousness
A.: yes I understand you
Patrice Julien: the I, the Id, the All…Beyond all this is the void
and that’s the desert where the Holy Spirit talks
A.: it is good, because it showed me that is what I can practice
Patrice Julien: This same “I” spoke to the prophets
A.: so I am happy that this happened tonight and I am happy that you can show me this
A.: I am grateful
Patrice Julien: I am grateful too
because you gave me a chance to clean within myself. Back to the void
Patrice Julien: By day the LORD go ahead of us in a pillar of cloud to guide us on our way and by night in a pillar of fire to give us light, so that we can travel by day or night.
Patrice Julien: It was beautiful having this chat Andrea
A.: Thank you
Patrice Julien: “And remember that any time two of you will get together in my name I will be with them”. We release all our concerns to the “I”. Blessings…