Poor Ho’oponopono

We’ve been on this rollercoaster for a while, but many humans still haven’t figured out the rules of the game. We are very proud of being so clever but we still act like hamsters desperately running in a wheel…
Humans are always looking ‘elsewhere
Avatars have come to deliver the same message, call them Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed… to name but the most famous, but we continue to call money “God”, expectations “God”, happiness “God”… Civilizations are regressing and disappearing, cities and continents are being wiped off the map but we continue to chase after evanescent beliefs.
We continue to think within the bonds of our own little sphere of identification. We go far and wide to find a truth that is closer to us than our breath, and unfortunately we repeat the same pattern. It’s as if we always prefer to look elsewhere for the answers to our problems.
We have found a virgin piece of spirituality called H’o’oponopono and by simply holding it in our hands we have caused it to lose its purity and all its liberating power. All the avatars have prophesied: “The truth will set you free”, but it seems that humans love staying in servitude. They look at a chair and imagine they have to add something to it…
Men look at life and think they have to give it another name. They call it “God” and kneel down before this idol created from nothing with folded hands, imploring “Please, Lord, help me”… And when God seems not to answer, they feel cheated and stop believing. They become atheists and don’t even notice anymore the world in front of them.
So simple that it’s complicated.
Poor Ho’oponopono, the day they discovered you, what did they make with your essence? A drug, a soporific, an anaesthetic for the consciousness. When you Google it, you won’t find anyone who has understood your true function. Morrnah Simeona generously imagined that you could be the first stone for the liberation of the Cosmos… You remember that she began by creating a foundation called “The Foundation of I, Freedom of the Cosmos”… What did she have in mind? The state zero, the great reset of humanity, the realisation of the “Identity of the I”, meaning absolute freedom, pure buoyancy…
And yet, when I repeat my little magic mantra that’s supposed to heal all my words and solve all my problems, “Who’s talking?” …Who’s saying “Forgive me?” who’s saying “I’m sorry?” …Is it really “state zero” when I think I still need to talk? Who needs to be forgiven?” Is it my surname, my first name, my job, my address, my profession? What else can be “me”?
During the training courses I gave with him, Dr Len taught the most powerful of truths during the questions and answers with the audience. He would ask: “Do you have any questions?” and when someone asked something, he would ask: “Who is speaking?”, “Who is asking this question?”. And when the other person didn’t know what to answer, he’d say, “It’s the memories talking”.
Victims of identification
We identify with these letters, these words, these ideas, these beliefs, with everything we take for granted. Our world is nothing but a projection of memories on a screen. We claim to believe only what we see, like St Thomas, but in fact the opposite is true: we see only what we believe.
This is the trap of illusion from which Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono was intended to free us. The aim of her teaching was not to meet expectations but, on the contrary, to erase all expectations, all beliefs, everything, down to the smallest cancerous cell in our memories… This is true healing, it’s the only healing, and Hawaiian spirituality says nothing new about this. The state of zero is none other than the “Kingdom of God” spoken of in the Bible… What does this famous quote say?
“Seek ye first the kingdom and the righteousness of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will take care of itself.”
What attitude are we talking about?A “Letting go”. And that’s all there is to it. To find the kingdom of God is simply to absolutely let go. Do not even stop at the word God because it’s equivalent to the letter X in the equation… It’s the unnamable because human imagination cannot define “everything” within one sole word, so they chose to resume omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience by the word GOD.
How can we reach the “Everything”?
How can we reach this totality of God? Certainly not by adding names and definitions. It’s an impossible challenge. The only way to meet this center of the mandala we call “God” is to be “nothing”. In other words, to accept the state of absolute zeroness. That is why it is said: “If you see God, you will die”. To be more explicit, it should have said: “You will only see God if you accept to die”.
This death is symbolic, of course. Yhe “State Zero” is in fact the death of the ego and nothing else. But what do we call ego? It is the database of all the individual and collective beliefs that we’ve handed down from generation to generation since the dawn of time. True ‘Spirituality’ is radical: it doesn’t add fruit to a tree that doesn’t exist, it demands that we cut it down at the root…Free yourself from everything you take for granter and float…
So, if you think you’re practising Ho’oponopono as it should be, and especially if you think it’s doing you good, check your attitude. Ask yourself if it’s not your beliefs that are playing tricks on you… If you do your check-up lucidly, you’ll discover the key to all your problems and you’ll surrender your life completely to the unknown of the “zero state” called ALOHA…
At that point, if you succeed, you’ll have to do what was recommended at the end of all the official ho’oponopono training courses: above all, leave the room without looking back, without getting attached to the other participants, turn your back on your past, leave all this trash. You’ve fought hard against your demons, you are now free to be what you really are. Don’t take anything home with you even a glance on your good memories. From Sodom and Gomorrah only remain ruins. Do not take the risk of being turned into a statue of salt .