As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin wrote: “We are not human beings living a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings living a human experience”.
No, the brain does not contain the mind.
Knowing this helps us understand that we must accept and consciously embody this dual nature. It is our spiritual essence that gives us the capacity to nourish our human experience.
The pressure of everyday life capturing our 5 senses tends to make us forget the vital importance of our essence. The result is an exclusive and blind identification with a body of flesh which is no more than an ephemeral vehicle.
This body is only a vehicle, and the belief that the brain contains the spirit and produces thoughts and inspiration is an illusion.
The proof is that consciousness can move outside the body, as we experience every day when we call someone on a mobile phone. Given this evidence, we need to understand that our ‘mind’ can go wherever it wants…
This helps us understand why some occultists claim that our body is connected to consciousness by a kind of etheric link they call “the silver cord”, and that when this is cut, “human” life ends.
In more modern terms, we would say the body is the “hardware” that enables…