Problems are “angels”

In my work as a Minister I get mails or calls from people who face « problems » and want to get rid of them. They expect a fast « fix », a prayer or a technique that will solve everything on their behalf…Sometimes, they get a result about their specific issue but, after a while, I hear again from them about a new “obstacle”…
We could go endlessly from one problem to the next if we do not ask ourselves the question: « What is a problem? » and « Towards what does the problem point? ».
Nobody likes problems :
Nobody really likes problems…That is the good point about it. It is like a little piece of rock in our shoes. It is disturbing. See, we were walking without even noticing it and suddenly, something attracts our attention…That is the « friendly » function of problems…They CALL our attention on something…We may have had other calls, lighter ones, but we may have let them go unanswered, like the sound of an alarm clock when we feel we don’t want to wake up…Problems work like alarm clocks. The level of the sound is programmed to get louder and louder…That is the reason why certain people show up in my office after a « light call » when others wait until things get really bad.
Once awakened by the problem, the next point is to answer the question : “To what does the problem point?”. The answer is always the same, it is always about our IDENTITY. It always point to the eternal question “Who do I believe I Am?” It is where meeting our real self is really important.
The first Step of the process she sets up is called the “Statement of Being”. It is based on the observation that everywhere in nature there is an “inbuilt” orientation towards what we may call “our Good” . Praying then is not about trying to bend the will of God to satisfy our selfish desires, it is about stating a Truth : “There is Good for everyone…” Not there “should be” : “There IS”.
Why do problems appear?
So then, why do problems appear? How can we get separated from our Good when the promise is that “we ought to have it”…? This apparent contradiction gives us the Good start. The answer to the “Why” is that we have inherited two identities, one from Life itself, naturally programmed to bring us our Good and another inherited from our “cultures” built on a strong belief in a separation from the unconditional Source of all supply. Our traditions, our educations and our religions have taught us a false distinction between human and divine, good and bad, spiritual and material, creating a war within our consciousness…That is the cause of all problems…
Emma Curtis Hopkins, one of the founders of the New Thought writes in the first chapter of Scientific Christian Mental Practice : “If you have a clear idea of how sweet life, free and unburdened, must be, look to this science to bring you this life. And declare plainly that sweet, free life is our Good.” Sounds too simple isn’t it ? Hard to believe that this can be enough to clear out all our so called “problems”…
Why is it so hard to believe it’s so simple?
This “hard to believe” is the true problem…We have unconsciously built such a strong belief in a false identity that we feel some resistance to let it go… People tend to stick to their problem whatever they are. A sickness, a financial issue, a conflict ,…, they consider it as “reality”. By doing so they lock themselves behind an illusory door when they could realise instantly that they are free, right now . It would take only an unbreakable faith in the statement that if there is Good for us Now, the apparent contradiction creating the pain have no reality…
By nature, the solution is NOW because the problem itself is NOW. The light is not affected, the only thing affected is our perception…So if the problem can vanish instantaneously, why do we sometimes need so much time to get things on the right track? It is just because of our conscious or unconscious resistance to the Truth of our Identity.
How many persons on this planet are ready to realise that all what we call “information” from newspapers to TV news and Internet is the collective reflection of an hypnotic belief in our false identity? Very few. Quantum Physics have already given us all the proofs that Reality is generated by states of consciousness but we still continue to hold on an outdated conception of a “solid reality” independent of the nature our thoughts… That is the reason why problems seem to generate more and more problems. We try to solve them on the level of our “false identity” when their presence itself is the “Call” back to our true Identity.
The GOOD give us no choice.
But don’t worry, in fact the Good works well. The point is that we finally have no choice. Sooner or later the pain generated by the problems will bring us out of our illusory beliefs system. We will have to become our own Moses, and move towards our true Self. If pain become too unbearable we will take the rod of the “Statement of Being” and open the seas of illusions created by our beliefs.
To make the job easier we have to remember that every problem is a the shadow of a lie we have believed in. Finding the pain reveals the lie. And, exciting promise, behind the lie we will always find a long awaited Good belonging to us…Behind every pain, every frustration, every problem lies a precious gem belonging to us by Divine Sonship. Finding our treasure may be instantaneous (if we are still able to be like children looking after Easter eggs in a garden) or it may take a more or less long period of cleansing depending on our resistance to Truth.
I wish you to always remember the “statement of being” saying that apart of your Good all deceptive appearances are just illusions…No faucet can deliver at the same time a sweet and a bitter flow…Believing steadfastly that I AM MY GOOD is called FAITH…and your faith will make you free of problems…
With love!