Recovering the Power of your natural JOY!

The energy of joy is our basic energy, and it’s easy to become aware of it. All we have to do is pause for a moment, sitting or standing, close our eyes and simply smile. Smile with your mouth, of course, pulling up both corners. The more you move them upwards, but without tension, the more you allow the sensation to circulate as it rises from your centre when you are sitting, and from the ground when you are standing.
Your smile is the key
Smiling in this way gets things started, but we can go further. By keeping that first smile, you can also smile with your eyes. You just need to broaden the sensation. Smile with your stomach, with your heart… Your feet and hands can smile too. Try it, feel it. It’s contagious. One by one, make your joints smile. Your liver, your gall bladder, your lungs and go even further, deeper.
Once you’ve made your muscles and joints smile, think of the millions of cells that lie in the shadows of your body, ignored. Remember that they too need to smile with all the work they do. You wouldn’t want them to spend their days working and sulking… Because you know, these little people don’t rest while you sleep… So be kind and offer them the benefits of joy. You’ll find that it does you a lot of good too.
The power supply beyond our smile
Ah…but by the way…aren’t we forgetting someone? What about our atoms? The ones that make up the substratum of our existence on this plane… Don’t they have the right to smile, to be happy? And yes, with your eyes closed, feel them and imagine the marvellous force that drives them ceaselessly. Realise that in the infinitely small world it is they and all those tiny particles invisible to the naked eye that are responsible for maintaining your light, that subtle layer we call “our aura”…
This little world is the body’s power station. And do you know what they earn? What we eat, of course, for the basic raw material. But that’s not enough for them. They also consume our emotions. That’s what motivates them. It’s our joie de vivre that drives them. You can easily imagine what happens when you’re full of worries and you can’t smile any more.
And what’s more, we don’t realise it, but all those tiny inner solar systems are always in communion with those other solar systems out there. Here too, it’s easy to check. When you close your eyes, you don’t see all those points of light in the darkness. Have you ever wondered what they are? Quite simply, it’s your universe, seen from the inside. And it too needs the energy of joy, which you can change at will… The effect will be to increase the radiance of all these stars…
The reason why there is no energy crisis
We always think of the material world when we think of energy, but I think you’re beginning to realise that the real problem lies elsewhere and that the energy crisis that can affect us most is that of our own energy, and there we have the upper hand… and what’s more, it’s free and we don’t have to queue up at petrol stations.
With every negative thought, every sad piece of information, every negative judgement, the energy in your world diminishes, stars die in your sky. So offer joy to all your planets, all your stars, all your galaxies, it’s your gift to the Universe… Live real life at last: a universe of JOY…
May this simple experience make you aware of the marvellous power within you: to open yourself up to joy or to turn off the taps and prevent it from flowing through. The SECRET is to “open yourself to joy”… That’s what it’s there for. To irrigate, to nourish. It’s called HAPPINESS and you don’t need anyone to feed it. All you need to do is feel good about yourself.
Joy is the vibration of our soul when it’s healthy.
It is the expression of well-being, of pleasure, of life as we consciously perceive it…
When you vibrate with joy, every cell in your being is swept up in an incredible dance that inspires you to pass on these wonderful vibrations to those around you.
Joy makes you dance, laugh and sing…
It needs to be expressed outwardly, to exist, to show you how alive you are and how beautiful life can be. Share it by smiling at others. A smile can heal, it can brighten up a day, for you as well as for the strangers to whom you give this gift. Think about it. Give smiles. It’s free and it’s contagious.
Vibrate with joy whenever you can, be happy to see your friends, your family, your lover…nature…Realise that you can even spread joy to a skip, a whole rubbish dump, a cemetery…Smile and you’ll see. It can be done. That’s real cleaning. Joy cleans everything, it’s the most radical of washes, the most effective of strippers.
Share powerful moments of joy with others, pass it on because your joy is contagious.
You can have this joy within you at all times, it’s a matter of choice. It’s not only found in the great moments, but also in the simple things: a simple cup of coffee deserves a smile…
A ray of sunshine too, a flower or even just the pleasure of being here, alive…
Joy is a choice, a conscious choice that manifests itself through a sensation…
The more you practise living this vibration of joy, the more naturally it will be present in your life.
To live joyfully is quite simply to be yourself in connection with the pleasure of life.
It’s knowing how to capture the present moment and giving yourself the gift of living it…
Try this, it’s an amazing experience!
Want to go further? Try this exercise:
Find a song or piece of music that brings you joy, whether through the melody or the memory associated with it.
Listen to it and let it wash over you and penetrate every cell in your body.
Then let a flow take your body, follow it, close your eyes, all your cells know the way, let them lead you.
Let this joy invade your body and your mind!
Forget all, the world, your problems, your beliefs, your body : you are a unique vibration, a part of the spectrum of light.
You have stopped hurt yourself and the whole universe that so intimately depends on you…?
You have forgotten all about wars, your problems, the world’s problems, all the negative things that can invade us through thoughts, information and words that lower our vibratory rate.
Joy is THE POWER SOURCE and you have complete control over it. Don’t just display Buddhas around you, telling yourself that this will soothe you. Know that this is ineffective, because the Buddha’s message is only meaningful when it is lived and radiates from within…
Forget the Dalai Lama, spiritual masters, books, forget all about little men in black, white, red or yellow robes, they are not your life, they ignore all about you because your joy is unique.
The feeling of your smile is not to be found on the outside… Smile is here and now it IS the transmission… directly… simply… smile and your quest will come to an end. You will have discovered your own Buddha nature and you will be able to transmit this cosmic wink to others, without words. Just through a smile.
“Once upon a time, the Venerated One of the world (the first Buddha) had gathered around 500 followers and disciples at Vulture Peak in northern India, where he intended to give a teaching. At the start of his talk, he showed a flower to the congregation of disciples. Everyone observed silence. However, only the Venerable Mahākāshyapa smiled broadly.” (Famous Zen anecdote handed down by tradition)