The necessary ending of religions.

Do you know what is the main obstacle to finding our “true identity”?
In fact, it is the tool that claims to give us access to it : our language.
Language ; a dangerous tool.
Language is to be used with great care.
Why ? Because when we use it, it can lead us down the wrong path.
When we read or use words like “God”, “Spirit”, “sacred”, “blessing” or even “Jesus Christ” or “Allah”, , we have the impression that we are expressing something factual. We think that we are talking about realities everyone can understand.
Is it so?
There’s no need for ‘conspiracy theorists’ to build fantazies about secretely implanting cellular sensors capable of influencing our reactions. No need either to rave about the occult effects of 5G — Religions have already done the “dirty job” since the dawn of time.
Religious words, roots of all evils.
Through language, they have programmed our entire neurological system. External colonization is nothing compared to the one operating through language and words. Words implant ideas, and ideas induce ‘conditioning’ to close the circuit you need to know that the aim of conditioning is control…
We have to keep a clear mind. Language is the deepest key to get control on everything, and that’s how humanity as a whole had lost its power…
The story of Hawaii is an excellent example of this process. Originally, the Polynesian people used only oral languages. The characteristic of this use is that it supposes to derivate its exact meanings from the situation. Linguists use a barbaric word to express this, they call it “polysemy”. This means that most words in all human languages can be understood in different ways according on the situation of enunciation.
Aloha does not mean “Hello”.
When a foreigner tries to translate the meaning of a key word like ALOHA, which does not belong to his own language, he will never succeed in his task. No way for him to be able to figure out all the situations associated with it by a native speaker. When we talk about the “spirit of Aloha”, we are acknowledging our incapacity to really define what the word exactly means.
This limitation allows us to assume that the language of the Creator, the famous ‘Word of God’, cannot be separated from the present in which it is expressed…Which means OUR PRESENT…The medium of expression of what we call ‘God’, for lack of a better word, is the breath. This is why we speak of “Spirit” and “Spirituality”, in reference to the Latin “Spirare”, which means “to breathe”.
Religions, ideologies and mind control.
It is not without purpose that after the “overthrow” that allowed America to take over the state of Hawaii, the only language allowed and taught there was English. The aim was to radically get in control of the minds and consequently, of the nervous systems and behaviours of the native population.
The military and political annexion process, had been prepared in advance by the missionaries whose primary task was to eradicate local way of life. How was this achieved? Through the introduction of writing, which made possible to freeze messages outside their real context and thus created the obligation to look for their meaning within the very text from which they came. And here came the first Bible in local language! A poisoned apple. All religious or political evangelism needs written texts. This makes possible to conduct a reprogramming that erases a way of life and have it substituted by another one.
So, once the Hawaiian language had been brought under the laws of the written words, the translation of the Bible into the local language made it possible to erase the ideas and rituals associated with ancestral beliefs. It was the best way to confiscate the power of the natives and transfer it to exogenous figures : God the Father, Jesus Christ and all the cosmogony associated with Christianity.
This kind of ideological reprogramming always precedes the final objectives of mind control. Today, christian beliefs control thirty percent of the mind of the people of our planet, Islam more than 26%.
Religions, bridgeheads for economic and strategic annexions
I chose the example of Hawaii for its transparency. All religions, mainly Christianity and Islam, have been the bridgeheads for ideological takeovers motivated by economic and strategic objectives.
This analysis also works for all of us, let us ask ourselves about the words of power we believe in, about the taboos we follow and let see if they promote self-power or servitude. Remember : “ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
It is the reason why “Gnostics” of all countries and all times, whose only fault was to look for inspiration directly from the Creative Principle of Life, have always been persecuted because they represent a danger for all human powers.
True spiritual masters do not create religions.
That is the reason why true spiritual masters almost never express themselves in writing. They do not wish to create religions. Their message is always transmitted directly from master to disciple. This allows them to say one thing and its opposite depending on the situation. Only those who claim to be “disciples” create systems always based on the opposition of good and evil. A perfect tool for manipulation, because it is activates fear and fear of pain or death is the best way to control human minds.
We should not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Sacred texts can be valuable sources of inspiration for our evolution. But weneed to remain clear-headed and look within our “hearts” to find the “Spirit” hidden behind the words. The best hint for separating wheat from chaff is this simple idea : “The greatest sin is to think yourself weak”
Why shall we have prayed : “Lord have mercy on us poor sinners”?We should see how much we have been conditioned through words. It is essential to get our natural power back. We are of a Divine lineage. We should reset our minds to allow us back to our Father’s house . It is our only chance to open up to universal inspiration. We need a radical revolution of our consciousness. It is our best chance of spiritual shift.
The “Truth” will make us free.
On the other hand, let stop being paranoid about “illuminati” or “reptilians” plotting against our spiritual integrity — It is just another trap based on the illusion of a duality. This conflict between good and evil is a tale for children, we should stop believing such intoxicating legends. They contribute to our self-slavery.
Religions are doomed to disappear in the more or less long term because they will become more and more outdated. The time have come to download a new operating system called the “New Alliance”, open yourself to the influx flooding our consciousnesses.
Freed from their control, every human being will then be able to return to the “lost paradise” running alongside with our beliefs in the purgatory and hell universe we entertain every day.