The power of words

my word,
audible or silent
always return to me laden with the fruits
of their meaning.
My inner voice
is the only law of my life.
Everything I think or say
manifests itself,
in positive or negative.
There is nothing outside my thoughts,
they are my messengers
of good or bad news.
The only possible blessings
or curses
emanate from my mind.
I am the white or black magician
of my choices.
My free will places me at every moment
at the crossroads
and no one can decide but me.
My heart knows
because it senses
what is good for me.
What’s good for me is called ‘good’,
« my good »…
don’t we say: it’s for your own good…
And my true good
is always the good for all,
My inner world always reflects
in the world outside.
The good is not elsewhere,
not outside.
The same is true of evil…
they only emanate from me.
My Word is the key of my omnipotence.
It flies in me and through me.
It can only take the form I give it,
I am the only one to decide.
There is neither god nor devil outside my mind.
Through my thoughts
I can manifest destruction, suffering and death
or give life, happiness and peace.
For there is no such thing as a neutral thought
no insignificant thought.
Every idea means what it means
and traces the lines of destiny for me
and for the whole humanity.
Each idea, each reaction
acts in the invisible
and irresistibly produces its effects
in matter :
results the world around me inevitably reflect…
Watch all your thoughts
and choose who you choose to be
and what you wish to see…