The true Secret of the Hawaiian Healers

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There is no “Secret of the Hawaiian Healers”,
or one reason and one reason only: for in Life,
there are no secrets and there is nothing to heal.
Life is an open book,
And ever since it appeared
(Which remains to be proved)
it has had no need of fixing.
Fixing life is the humans main illusion
This will to heal everything
is a trap.
There is no need for it,
let see life as perfect as it is.
The so-called “secret of Life” is a misnomer,
there is nothing hidden.
The real problem of Life is human IGNORANCE,
Another name for “darkness,”
“Darkness of thought”!
Human small ego is too proud
so rebellious.
It takes itself so seriously
when in fact it is just thin air!
That’s the reason why you do not accept to realise
your deep ignorance.
You constantly feel the need to manipulate Creation
to make it “right”.
You like to “control”…
it’s the only source of your unhappiness.
This is the origin of this idea of “darkness” and “evil”,
“Hell” and “Paradise”.
Duality gives you the illusion of a Power.
How pretentious!
Fake masters and false prophets think :
“I don’t know anything and I want people to imagine I do”.
These selfish guides
help you confirm that you have lost your way,
they pretend to give you access to a miraculous escape trail,
to an illusory paradise.
There is no paradise “elsewhere”.
Because there is no “elsewhere”.
“Know thyself!
That’s the only secret.
Listen to silence,
Listen to your self,
Listen to your heart,
to your breath,
To the flow of blood through your veins.
Stop talking, stop thinking,
Stop searching,
give up all control
forget even the thought that there is a need to think.
Listen! Everything happens here and now,
You are the Center of YOUR UNIVERSE.
There’s nothing “elsewhere” because you’re not “there”
and there’s nothing “to morrow” because you are to-(k)now.
Do not think that you need time to evolve.
I’m the “I”
I AM in charge of my own version of the world.
Just listen to your Self.
And when you have truly understood what you are,
You will finally be able to listen to each other
from your hearts,
Because life always gets on well with it-self