The reasons why time does not exist.

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For the sake of convenience you have created three worlds: past, present and future. Realise that you have distributed your life experience along this axis. Notice also that you originally did this for practical reasons. It’s a way of taking account of your experiences to create our present from your image of the past with an eye on the future.
Time is just a consensus
The problem is that you have forgotten that this creation is artificial. You have ended up living in it as if it were a reality, and that’s really annoying. And why is that? Because as a result you have lost touch with the unique actuality that obviously exists: the present as it is. So you all spend our time in a ‘space-time’ that is merely a mental construct, and this is what disturbs you and prevents you from accessing that ‘moment of power’ offered to you as ‘present’ at every moment: the moment of synchronicity, of direct, immediate contact with the vital flow.
The flow of life is frozen
Life is as fluid as the water in a river and you are carried along by the current. Instead of helping you, your conception of a three dilmensional time disturb your existence . Negative elements from the past, insinuate through your present experiences, generating fears and irrational limitations that more often prevent you from obeying your intuitions.
Memories, however positive, all too often encourage you to replicate situations freezing your future. As a result, the present goes unnoticed and you miss opportunities.
What is Zero’ limit?
In connection with the Ho’oponopono devised by Morrnah Simeona, this concept of a “zero state” is often used as if it were a boundary. This “Zero state” means erasing all past mental programming. But it is impossible to erase your neurological programming, it is also an illusion. Especially not by repeating mantras or misunderstood prayers. The sole result of such practices is to numb the mind.
The real meaning of this ‘Point Zero’ is cutting through the illusions in which you live: beliefs, dogmas, public opinion, scientific discoveries that are only relative realisations. You need only to be able to bypass your mental filters to get back to this Immediate Present lost in translation.
Freed from “time consciousness”
From a zero-belief perspective, is it possible to consider a “new” year, a birthdays and all cyclic celebrations? It is just a bunch of comfortable illusions. Between midnight on 31 December and the first of January, nothing special happens. Physically there is no difference between before and after. Only the present continues. And yet everybody on your plane of existence celebrate this artificial boundary as something new that deserves to take a stand. It allows certain authors of self-help books to make a living by explaining the need to live in the present. The procedures described in these books have only one effect: to increase frustration and distance you even further from real life.
The present: direct experience
The present is the only reality. It is you aqs your selves. It is the living miracle, the evident God Presence. It is the Word flowing directly from the lips of Life. Through sensations, perception of space, intuitions… The present is the unique moment of all possibilities. Of all YOUR opportunities. The path on which you walk right now is the only one you are able to walk on NOW.
Of course, you need clocks, calendars, seasonal celebrations, rituals… All these things help you structure cultures and societies, but you shouldn’t mistake the shadow for the prey.
A change of year or a “birth day” celebration should not be taken for granted. You better step outside the status-quo and realise that there is a dreamer and another level of consciousness : LIFE as it IS.
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