“Zero state”; from darkness to Light
(Channelled contents )
Transformation is an inner work, the “outside” will shift naturally as erasing memories goes by, what needs to be kept will become obvious.
You are not in therapy, you’re not sick, there’s nothing wrong with your soul, it’s invulnerable and perfect.
I’m not a therapist. I’m just a guide the universe has placed on your path at an important moment.
Evolution or stagnation
You’ve reached a point where you have to decide whether you move towards your real SELF or whether you’d rather wait for next life.
I know your path… I’ve walked it several times and I know where are the difficult parts. That’s the job of a guide.
Our minds are filled with ghosts from our past. Our problems are results of attachments to these shadows. This past no longer exists. But our SELVES still exist, and that’s the point.
In fact it’s not really about us, it’s about Life manifesting through our bodies and minds. This flow is always new. Our cells are constantly changing, as are our ideas, even if they give the impression of staying the same.
Past is gone
Same water never flows under the same bridge twice. Once you’ve understood that, most of the work is done, after which it’s just a question of patience, consistency and concentration. You have to decide not to dance with the dead any more… You simply have to resolutely go out and meet unknown ideas, brand new experiences…
To get free from this obsessive past, our cleaning partner is our subconscious. It always wants to defend us, keep us alive and respond to our desires. It manages everything in our body: breathing, heartbeat, perfect work of our organs and glands… So we don’t have to worry about our biologic survival, our invisible assistant does the job perfectly if we do not get in with our humlan ideas about what life should be.
The problem is that our multi talented partner listens to our mental chat 24/24. Like a child, he tries to please us and tries to match our every thought, however fleeting. That’s what distorts the game. So when we think “I’ll never forget that negative experience”, “This kind of things always happens to me”, “I’m traumatised by this situation”, etc… he takes it upon himself… and finds what he feels should be the best response…
That’s how he becomes the dustbin of our memories. Until we give him an instruction about change, he will repeat the same situations…
The subconscious: enemy or partner?
The subconscious is our faithful servant, but that’s how it also can becomes our worst enemy…
So we need to set him free by consciously helping this part of us understand that we don’t need any self-sabotage stuff. We must find a way to let this subconscious know that we definitely want to get rid of all dead ideas.
Within our psyche the subconscious is the only part able to carry our rubbish to the dump. The conscious mind is not made to do it. We have to ask for help, we need to show our silent witness that we’ve really decided to move on to another dimension. But if we relapse, our partner will no longer understand our conflictive instructions and as a result, our mind will become depressed.
The role of the conscious mind, is to always remain aware, centered, lucid and we should really show where we want to go. That’s all there is to it.
The unconscious knows how to work with complicated things. That’s why it’s there. The important thing is to team up with him and see it as an irreplaceable helper. You can stay in harmony with him. There’s just one condition for achieving this: BE COHERENT and never contradictory. Children are incapable of handling contradictions.
And once you will have agreed together to clear your mind the work will start naturally. You will then notice that the universe is sending new information through the photons of light constantly bombarding us.
This is what we call: INTUITION — we also call this process : “Receiving the Light”…