Meditation : What happens when there is no-body?
We are fooled by words, by the “thoughts of the day”, by biblical and religious parables, by a lot of bullshit motivated by the idea that we are a “good person”… This very often keeps us on the merry-go-round of illusions. In truth, there is no such thing as a good person or a bad person; in fact, there is nobody where we think we are.
I’ve been teaching Morrnah Simeona’s “Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono” for some time and I’ve noticed that even this “magic word”, which is linked to the deeper meaning of the “Aloha” spirituality, leads most people down a blind alley.
Our minds have such a long history of expectations that even when we consider resetting our database to zero, we are still trying to reconstruct a “religion” or what we call “a spirituality”, in any case, a “coherence”.
In fact, at “zero”, there should be no expectations, no logic, no coherence. At zero we should consider ourselves biologically and spiritually dead.
The ultimate meditation would be to see our body on the woodpile of a pyre, as we see in Benares with the corpses. And to feel that we are dead.
We would see someone lighting the fire. Our body is soon lying in the middle of the blaze. Vision, without the pain of skin, begins to burn, muscles, organs, bones… we witness our disappearance as a human form, with all our problems, our beliefs, our pains, our loves and our hatreds… in the end, all that remains is ashes…
Everything we thought was our ‘self’ is now ready to be thrown as chemical elements into the river of life…
There is nothing left of me or myself, only that part called ‘spirit’…
But if I don’t want to become earthbound spirit, an hungry ghost, I have to give up even that invisible part still linked to my past… What I used to call ‘the Spirit’ is my latest fetish… my latest fixation…
Who could have put this idea that I was ‘a spirit’ into my head, who taught me that I was just a wave in the ocean of life, a separate element in the whole, a solitary soul?
I am without a body and the next step is to become without a mind, without a soul, I must surrender myself to the whole and accept that I am nothing, absolutely nothing,
This is Zero; the true goal of all spiritual paths…
“Abba, into your hands I commend my spirit”…
And then continue to live from this awareness…
At state zero
Aloha !