Why is “God” an Havana smoker?
The question we need to ask ourselves is: “If the law of attraction is an illusion, what is the real law that governs the universe?”

Is there a difference between the ‘material’ and the ‘spiritual’?
In fact, there is no difference between the material and the spiritual, none at all… Why is that? Because if we remove the spirit that perceives it, if we remove the consciousness that reflects it, the so-called “material” world disappears… (If “nothingness” could exist…).
The entire universe is supported by thought… Consequently, belief in the materiality of the world is a tenacious illusion. It was not Jesus Christ or any other prophet who discovered and revealed to the world that E=MC2… This scientific discovery is the revelation of a secret that was open to all eyes.
Since then, however, we continue to live as if we didn’t know that matter is a sensory illusion… We continue to wage war to defend illusory frontiers as we have done since the dawn of time…
Non-dual cultures, whose voices are too often silenced, remember a simple and obvious principle: nothing can ever belong to us insofar as the “manifested” is an emanation of what we are and not of what we have.
The law of attraction is an ‘intox’
It is in this sense that belief in the Law of Attraction is an illusion that hinders the mutation of our consciousness. Because it maintains the belief in a possible materiality whose illusory nature has been demonstrated by science itself…
We continue to pray to the golden calf and to idols created by our hands, just as the first Hebrews did at the beginning of their wanderings…
The Promised Land is not something to be drawn to, it is something to be discovered within… And what’s more, it has been winking its lights in silence since the dawn of time… But our eyes are focused elsewhere. As if the messages of the sacred texts didn’t exist. The disastrous example of Babylon was not enough for us, and our capitals are still replicating this episode, which should have been a counter-example.
Our modern world has turned its back on the testaments of the ancestors who transmitted the laws of life to us in every language… The Avatars have been succeeded by interpreters and translators who have perpetuated the misunderstanding that has led astray what was supposed to be “the Science of the Spirit”: the science of our spirit itself.
It has lost all its power, and our minds have fallen into the worst perceptual trap of all: the illusion of a duality between spirit and matter, body and soul, good and evil. Since we can only see what we believe, the division of the world was a natural consequence. The scribes thus inspired all the ‘religions’ of denial and inner servitude. None to this day has respected the meaning of the original message.
In fact, despite the suspicion into which they have been plunged by these abuses, the ‘sacred texts’ remain testaments of power, manuals of inner navigation, instructions for the use of consciousness.
And the Creator built a paradise
The Spirit we call God, for need of a better term, did not create his children in order to humiliate them, test them and force them to give up part of what he had endowed them with.
God created heaven, not hell… In him, there is no territory, no boundaries, no expectations: everything is naturally fulfilled. This is the pleasure principle, and it drives all creation, from the smallest atom to the most advanced beings…
The word “God”, “Allah” or whatever hides the real “Divine” from us… No human father would want his children to suffer… Why do all religions have to be built around the idea of suffering for a Father?
Belief in the Law of Attraction is just an outgrowth of this ‘Law of Misfortune’, since it suggests that we should choose the ‘right words’ and the ‘right attitude’ to escape misfortune… We need to be aware of this.
A “Creator” satisfied with his work.
The mutation whose project is inscribed in the first “time capsule” of the human project is that consciousness, looking back on its creation, notes that “all is Good”…
This is the supreme meditative act. It replicates that “time out of time” when consciousness watches herself and embraces all she is in a feeling of unconditional love : LOVE OF SELF.
Would the Creator Principle have had to be stupid or masochistic enough to imagine anything other than creating his own Good in order to pass it on to his heirs?
No, God’s DNA has no bugs, and we don’t need to download updates. The Law of Attraction is presented like the latest version of a new operating system for the universe. We don’t need it because on the seventh day, the Father of us all lit a cigar, leaned against the balcony and thought he’d done a good job…
Can it be otherwise when ONE is omnipotent?