Why the “ho’oponopono prayer” will not heal “you”?

Looking for Self

Patrice Julien

What was your state of consciousness before you were born. Try to remember your shape in your mother’s womb. Not with your mind, With all your skin.

What will be your shape after your death…Keep looking, keep asking: “What was my state of consciousness before I was born…? Find what could be your feeling after leaving your body.

Then ask yourself: Who is listening to the sounds I hear?Deep within me, to whom belong this awareness standing beyond my consciousness?

Which part of me sees through my eyes… Do not look for answers, catch the feeling. Go beyond words and ideas.

Then find what part of you that never sleeps when you rest.

At the very center of your being

This practice leads you at the very center of your being. It is the direct experience of what you are. Bringing you as near as possible to the core of your being.Even deeper than your consciousness and your thoughts.

Leave everything behind, all beliefs, all thoughts, all interpretations.You can’t put this feeling in a word. Leave it as it feels because it is about your absolute freedom.

Leave all attempts to become better than what you think you actually are.Beliefs, spiritualities, religions had dumbed you. You repeated like a parrot what you called the “ho’oponopono prayer”. It was just a hook for your ego. A soother for your childish mind.

Did you really find that this repetition brought you freedom? Freedom from what? From yourself?

Where do you expect this would bring you? Tell me, what is this “you” you are looking for?

There is no better you, all is perfect.

Awaken. Stop trying to become a “better you”. There is no better you. This “you” itself is an illusion. A fleeting cloud in a dream.

Awaken to the perfection you never lost.Die to yourself. Let everything and everyone go.

“Becoming better, becoming more…”This conviction is distracting you…There’s no search needed because nothing has never been lost…Your way is only to become less of what you believe you are. Become as little as you feel able to be.

Enlightenment is not for tomorrow, not for when you will feel good enough to be rewarded by a state of illumination. It is not a trophy at the end of a trail, it is now.

A total emptiness beyond your consciousness.

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